:BASE STL.HLP 1 Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library User's Guide and Tutorial 2 About Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library 3 Title page = STL_Title 2 What is the Standard C++ Library? 3 What is the Standard C++ Library? = WhatIsTheStandardC++Library? 3 Does the Standard C++ Library differ from other libraries? = DoesTheStandardC++LibraryDifferFromOtherLibraries? 3 What are the effects of non-object-oriented design? = WhatAreTheEffectsofNon-Object-OrientedDesign? 3 How should I use the Standard C++ Library? = HowShouldIUseTheStandardC++Library? 2 Reading this manual 3 Reading this manual = ReadingThisManual 3 Conventions = Conventions 2 Using the Standard Library 3 Using the Standard Library = UsingTheStandardLibrary 3 Running the tutorial programs = RunningTheTutorialPrograms 2 Iterators 3 Introduction to Iterators = Iterators 3 Varieties of iterators = VarietiesOfIterators 3 Input iterators = InputIterators 3 Output iterators = OutputIterators 3 Forward iterators = ForwardIterators 3 Bidirectional iterators = BidirectionalIterators 3 Random access iterators = RandomAccessIterators 3 Reverse iterators = ReverseIterators 3 Stream iterators = StreamIterators 3 Input stream iterators = InputStreamIterators 3 Output stream iterators = OutputStreamIterators 3 Insert iterators = InsertIterators 3 Iterator operations = IteratorOperations 2 Functions and Predicates 3 Functions = Functions 3 Predicates = Predicates 3 Function objects = FunctionObjects 3 Negators and binders = NegatorsAndBinders 2 Container classes 3 Container classes overview = ContainerClassesOverview 3 Selecting a container = SelectingAContainer 3 Memory management issues = MemoryManagementIssues 3 Container types not found in the standard library = ContainerTypesNotFoundInTheStandardLibrary 2 Vectors 3 The vector data abstraction = TheVectorDataAbstraction 3 Vector include files = VectorIncludeFiles 3 Vector operations = VectorOperations 3 Declaration and initialization of vectors = DeclarationAndInitializationOfVectors 3 Type definitions = TypeDefinitions_vectors 3 Subscripting a vector = SubscriptingAVector 3 Extent and size-changing operations = ExtentAndSizeChangingOperations 3 Inserting and Removing elements = RemovingElements 3 Iteration = Iteration 3 Vector test for inclusion = VectorTestForInclusion 3 Sorting and sorted vector operations = SortingAndSortedVectorOperations 3 Useful generic algorithms = UsefulGenericAlgorithms 3 Example program: sieve of Eratosthenes = ExampleProgramSieveOfEratosthenes 2 Lists 3 The list data abstraction = TheListDataAbstraction 3 List include files = ListIncludeFiles 3 List operations = ListOperations 3 Declaration and initialization of lists = DeclarationAndInitializationOfLists 3 Placing elements into a list = PlacingElementsIntoAList 3 Extent operations = ExtentOperations 3 Access and iteration = AccessAndIteration 3 List test for inclusion = ListTestForInclusion 3 Sorting and sorted list operations = SortingAndSortedListOperations 3 Searching operations = SearchingOperations 3 In-place transformations = InPlaceTransformations_lists 3 Other operations = OtherOperations 3 Example program: an inventory system = ExampleProgramAnInventorySystem 2 Deques 3 Deque data abstraction = DequeDataAbstraction 3 Deque include files = DequeIncludeFiles 3 Deque operations = DequeOperations 3 Example program: radix sort = ExampleProgramRadixSort 2 Sets 3 The set data abstraction = TheSetDataAbstraction 3 Set include files = SetIncludeFiles 3 Set and multiSet operations = SetOperations 3 Creation and initialization = CreationAndInitialization_sets 3 Insertion = Insertion 3 Removal of elements from a set = RemovalOfElementsFromASet 3 Searching and counting = SearchingAndCounting_sets 3 Other generic algorithms = OtherGenericAlgorithms 3 Example program: a spelling checker = ExampleProgramASpellingChecker 3 The class bit_set = TheClassBit_Set 2 Maps 3 The map data abstraction = TheMapDataAbstraction 3 Map include files = MapIncludeFiles 3 Map and multimap operations = MapAndMultimapOperations 3 Insertion and access = InsertionAndAccess 3 Removal of values = RemovalOfValues 3 Element comparisons = ElementComparisons 3 Other map operations = OtherMapOperations 3 Example programs 4 About the example programs = ExamplePrograms 4 Example program: a telephone database = ExampleProgramATelephoneDatabase 4 Example program: graphs = ExampleProgramGraphs 4 Example program: a concordance = ExampleProgramAConcordance 2 Stacks and queues 3 Stack and queue overview = StackAndQueueOverview 3 The stack data abstraction = TheStackDataAbstraction 3 Example program: a RPN calculator = ExampleProgramARPNCalculator 3 Queues 4 The queue data abstraction = TheQueueDataAbstraction 4 Example program: bank teller simulation = ExampleProgramBankTellerSimulation 3 Priority queues 4 The priority queue data abstraction = ThePriorityQueueDataAbstraction 4 The priority queue operations = ThePriorityQueueOperations 4 Application: event-driven simulation = ApplicationEventDrivenSimulation 4 An ice cream store simulation = AnIceCreamStoreSimulation 2 Generic algorithms 3 Generic algorithms overview = GenericAlgorithmsOverview 3 Initialization algorithms = InitializationAlgorithms 3 Fill a sequence with an initial value = FillASequenceWithAnInitialValue 3 Copy one sequence onto another sequence = CopyOneSequenceOntoAnotherSequence 3 Initialize a sequence with generated values = InitializeASequenceWithGeneratedValues 3 Swap values from two parallel ranges = SwapValuesFromTwoParallelRanges 3 Find an element satisfying a condition = FindAnElementSatisfyingACondition 3 Find consecutive duplicate elements = FindConsecutiveDuplicateElements 3 Find a subsequence within a sequence = FindASubsequenceWithinASequence 3 Locate maximum or minimum element = LocateMaximumOrMinimumElement 3 Locate the first mismatched elements in parallel sequences = LocateTheFirstMismatchedElementsInParallelSequences 3 Reverse elements in a sequence = ReverseElementsInASequence 3 Replace certain elements with fixed value = ReplaceCertainElementsWithFixedValue 3 Rotate elements around a midpoint = RotateElementsAroundAMidpoint 3 Partition a sequence into two groups = PartitionASequenceIntoTwoGroups 3 Generate permutations in sequence = GeneratePermutationsInSequence 3 Merge two adjacent sequences into one = MergeTwoAdjacentSequencesIntoOne 3 Randomly rearrange elements in a sequence = RandomlyRearrangeElementsInASequence 3 Removal algorithms 4 About removal algorithms = RemovalAlgorithms 4 Remove unwanted elements = RemoveUnwantedElements 4 Remove runs of similar values = RemoveRunsOfSimilarValues 3 Algorithms that produce a scalar result 4 Algorithms that produce a scalar result = AlgorithmsThatProduceAScalarResult 4 Count the number of elements that satisfy a condition = CountTheNumberOfElementsThatSatisfyACondition 4 Reduce sequence to a single value = ReduceSequenceToASingleValue 4 Generalized inner product = GeneralizedInnerProduct 4 Test two sequences for pairwise equality = TestTwoSequencesForPairwiseEquality 4 Lexical comparison = LexicalComparison 3 Sequence generating algorithms 4 Sequence generating algorithms = SequenceGeneratingAlgorithms 4 Transform one or two sequences = TransformOneOrTwoSequences 4 Partial sums = PartialSums 4 Adjacent differences = AdjacentDifferences 3 Miscellaneous algorithms 4 About the miscellaneous algorithms = MiscellaneousAlgorithms 4 Apply a function to all elements in a collection = ApplyAFunctionToAllElementsInACollection 4 Ordered collection algorithms overview = OrderedCollectionAlgorithmsOverview 3 Algorithm include files 4 Algorithm include files = AlgorithmIncludeFiles 3 Sorting algorithms 4 About the sorting algorithms = SortingAlgorithms 4 Partial sort = PartialSort 4 Nth element = NthElement 4 Binary search = BinarySearch 4 Merge ordered sequences = MergeOrderedSequences 2 Heap operations 3 About heap operations = HeapOperations 2 Exception handling 3 Exception handling overview = ExceptionHandlingOverview 3 The standard exception hierarchy = TheStandardExceptionHierarchy 3 Using exceptions = UsingExceptions 3 Example program: exception handling = ExampleProgramExceptionHandling 2 auto_ptr 3 auto_ptr overview = Auto_ptrOverview 3 Creating and using auto pointers = CreatingAndUsingAutoPointers 3 Example program: auto_ptr = ExampleProgramAuto_ptr 2 Complex 3 Complex overview = ComplexOverview 3 Creating and using complex numbers = CreatingAndUsingComplexNumbers 3 Header files = HeaderFiles 3 Declaring complex numbers = DeclaringComplexNumbers 3 Accessing complex number values = AccessingComplexNumberValues 3 Arithmetic operations = ArithmeticOperations 3 Comparing complex values = ComparingComplexValues 3 Stream input and output = StreamInputAndOutput 3 Norm and absolute value = NormAndAbsoluteValue 3 Trigonometric functions = TrigonometricFunctions 3 Transcendental functions = TranscendentalFunctions 3 Example program: roots of a polynomial = ExampleProgramRootsOfAPolynomial 2 Strings 3 The string abstraction = TheStringAbstraction 3 String include files = StringIncludeFiles 3 String operations = StringOperations 3 Declaring string variables = DeclaringStringVariables 3 Resetting size and capacity = ResettingSizeAndCapacity 3 Assignment, append, and swap = AssignmentAppendAndSwap 3 Character access = CharacterAccess 3 Insertion, removal, and replacement = InsertionRemovalAndReplacement 3 Copy and substring = CopyAndSubstring 3 String comparisons = StringComparisons 3 Example function: split a line into words = ExampleFunctionSplitALineIntoWords 2 Numeric limits 3 Numeric limits overview = NumericLimitsOverview 3 Fundamental data types = FundamentalDataTypes 3 Numeric limit members = NumericLimitMembers 3 Members common to all types = MembersCommonToAllTypes 3 Members specific to floating point values = MembersSpecificToFloatingPointValues